“My Way” was a painting competition organised by the Cuomo Foundation in 2014 in Tamil Nadu, India.
Continue reading “My Way Welcome Message : Extract of speech given via videolink”
The Climate Change and the Environment: our new challenge…..
“…..Looking back, I can hardly recognize the Foundation. Time has gone by so fast and things have changed greatly. We started on a long challenging road with dreams and hopes. We saw quite a few come true. The Foundation has grown and today it has stature in the world. Through our educational programs, we will enhance its structure and realize our statutary aims. An organization such as ours, like a human being, must evolve and adapt to keep alive the spirit of its Founder.
We have many projects but our mission is unchanged . We aim to raise knowledge and education but to achieve these aims the Foundation must understand and accomodate the challenges of an environment that is changing around us.
We will also introduce Research Grants to step up our work…”
Maria Elena Cuomo, “12 Years of Commitment” 2012
Il y a 8 ans désormais…
Le temps ne cesse de courir et toujours plus vite mais les souvenirs sont gravés dans la mémoire. Nous avons sillonné le monde entier avec une curiosité toujours nourrie de l’envie de se rapprocher des autres sans méfiance, sans jugement mais plutôt avec la volonté d’apprendre… et nous avons appris, vu et admiré sans ne jamais être déçus. Continue reading “Il y a 8 ans désormais…”
« Une initiative indispensable pour tenter d’effacer la mélancolie face à cette injustice d’une personne, qui semble coupée du monde relationnel, dont on ne peut mesurer la souffrance et qui, plus injuste encore, touche les enfants » a écrit Madame Maria Elena Cuomo il y a trois ans dans son témoignage destiné au rapport d’activités 2014 de Monaco Disease Power (MDP). Continue reading “Muriel”
” […] In meeting Alfredo, Elena met her true companion and together, for over twenty five years they continued their adventures.